Pram envy

Skoda commissioned a survey of 1,000 dads who were asked if they would spend more time with the baby if they had a “higher spec and more stylish buggy.” 76 percent of them said they would be inclined to spend more time if the baby carrier would be beefed-up. So that’s what they did. Read […]

Product review: Safety 1st travel system (stroller + baby capsule)

This is the Safety 1st stroller with a $30 stand clipped onto the back for the 2nd older child to stand on. I just took this for its first spin round the block and I like it. Pros: At 7kg it weighs less than half of the Mountain Buggy It is easy to adjust – […]

Product Review: Mountain Buggy Urban Elite (it’s a pram)

Interesting Dad stuff about the company: Country of Origin: New Zealand Mountain Buggy started in 1992, with a cool Dads need to create a buggy with all terrain agility, to enable him to enjoy the New Zealand mountain trails with his baby. This very much aligns with the philosophy of engineering your way out […]